Month: December 2020

ECHA have concluded; restriction best way to reduce microplastic pollution

The European Chemcials Agency, ECHA, have evaluated and analysed the best way to reduce the emissions of microplastic pollution into EU. They have worked on a proposal for the European Union to ban microplastics in products such as cosmetics, detergents, fertilisers and could lead to a ban of its use as soft infill on artificial…
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Production of LOKI units are on track

The launch of LOKI has been well received by the artificial turf community, and many industry players see the operational and environmental benefit, in addition to the business opportunities, of this mobile separation plant. The first LOKI units were ordered in autumn of 2020 and will be ready long before the 2021 season starts. The…
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ASR and LOKI in the latest edition of Turfbusiness

Turfbusiness have written a feature on All Sports Recyled and our LOKI system. Read more about the world’s first mobile separation plant, transforming old surfaces from waste to clean and dry raw material, ready for reuse, repurposing or recycling. Download and read the feature here