ASR owner; 100% turfrecyclers, won prestigious award

The Responsible Innovators 2020 Award enhances the actions carried out in Italy by companies, professionals, associations, schools and universities, which contribute to the implementation of the 17 objectives of the 2030 goals for sustainable development by the European Union.
The sixth edition of the award envisaged seven categories of participation, four of which reserved for businesses and one for professionals. Out of a total of 141 projects admitted, 89 come from companies of all sectors and sizes and 22 from social cooperatives. This shows the showing great attention and focus on sustainability and especially the issues of energy saving, production of clean energy and circular economy.
100% turfrecyclers won first prize for companies working in the Italian and international market, with the LOKI project; “from non-recyclable waste to recyclable product”. This has opened the door to a series of state and international funds for the research and development of new technologies concerning the LOKI system and the LOKI technology. The regional legislator declared that he wanted to support and assist 100% turfrecyclers in its worldwide mission to spread a sustainable culture and mindset, the legislator declared at the award ceremony: “we have an ecological monster not yet acknowledged by society, but due to 100% turfrecyclers we have a tangible solution, perfectly matching the objectives of the EU 2030 Agenda for sustainable development “
Below you can see a small movie, presenting 100% turfrecyclers and the LOKI project.
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